Connect with Mobile Users: Google Best Practices

Google’s official checklist for mobile advertising. Connect with Mobile Users: Google Best Practices Consumers expect a relevant and frictionless experience when they use a mobile device to find, do or buy something. This guide outlines best practices for reaching mobile users and measuring their value to your business.

  1. Connect with mobile users
  • Create ad text that appeals to users across devices.

Why: A compelling call to action on one device tends to be compelling on other devices as well.

  • Use IF functions ad customizers to speak directly to mobile users.

Why: You can highlight any calls to action or offers that work particularly well on mobile devices, like “buy from your mobile phone” or “easy mobile booking”

  • Elevate your mobile ads with ad extensions.

Why: Extensions deliver additional info and provide alternate ways for customers to interact with you.

Use this extension…In order to…
SitelinkGive users the option of landing directly on specific pages of your site
CalloutPromote what makes your business, products, or services unique
CallGet users to call your business
Use call-only ads if your primary goal is driving calls
Structured snippetHighlight a specific aspect of the products and services you offer
PriceShowcase your business’s core products and services along with their prices
LocationDrive people to physical business locations
Affiliate locationReach consumers when they are deciding what and where to buy
ReviewShare positive write-ups, awards, or third-party rankings
AppDrive app downloads alongside clicks to your site
MessageTalk to customers via text message



For call and message extensions, use local numbers if you have them available. They indicate to users that you’re nearby, which can increase relevance and user trust.

  • Deliver a seamless experience across channels using tools like remarketing and Customer Match.

Why: Mobile users shift from one device to another as they visit your site, visit your store, call and text – you should shift with them.

  1. Deliver great mobile site and app experiences
  • Customize the experience for mobile users with mobile URLs.

Why: Mobile users have come to expect a great on-site experience. Don’t disappoint them with a desktop-specific landing page.

  • Align mobile landing pages with a customer’s place in the purchase journey.

Why: If certain keywords tend to assist, rather than complete, mobile conversions, your landing pages should take that insight into account.

  • Make phone numbers clickable on mobile sites.

Why: Calls are an important way to connect with users across channels.

  • Create a universal app campaign to drive app downloads and in-app actions.

Why: These automated campaigns use machine learning to deliver a customized experience based on someone’s context.

  • Optimize your app’s listing page.

Why: Your listing page is the landing page for your app ads. You can run experiments in Google Play to find the most effective graphics and text.

  • Set up deep links that will take folks directly to specific parts of your app.

Why: This reduces friction and increases engagement.


Google recommends using App Links for Android and Universal Links for iOS when enabling deep links for your app.

  1. Measure the Full Value of the Mobile
  • Account for both the online and offline value of mobile conversions.

Why: Mobile interactions lead to offline actions. Estimates can be helpful as measurement improves.

  • Track important mobile interactions.

Why: You can update your strategy and investment based on the interactions you measure.

Mobile InteractionWay(s) to measure
Website conversionsAdWords conversion tracking
Cross-device conversionsAdWords conversion tracking
Calls (from ads or your website)AdWords call reporting, an AdWords conversion tracking
MessagesThird-party tools
Store visitsAdWords store visit conversion tracking
In-store purchasesConversion import, store sales conversions, DoubleClick for Search
App installs and in-app actionsIn-app conversion tracking


  • Account for mobile interactions by including them in your “Conversions” column.

Why: You can optimize to a complete picture of performance by counting mobile conversion types.

  1. Set bids that drive profitable mobile traffic
  • Automate bids using Smart Bidding.

Why: Automated bid strategies account for signals like device type and browser to make auction-time bid changes that save time and often deliver better results.


When using universal app campaigns, there are two bidding options. For apps with in-app actions tracked as conversions, use the second option: “Get new users who are likely to complete in-app actions that you select.” AdWords will focus on people who are most likely to complete the specific in-app actions you’ve set up and selected for this campaign.

  • If you’re using automated bidding, use device-specific Target CPAs.

Why: The automated bid strategies that work for you can be further customized to connect directly with what you know about mobile value.

  • If you’re using manual bidding, bid your ads to the top of search results on mobile where it’s profitable.

Why: That’s where the vast majority of clicks are generated.

  • If you’re using manual bidding, change base bids to hit your overall portfolio goals, then use device bid adjustments to account for mobile performance.

Why: Device bid adjustments are intended to bring your performance in line with your goals.


Plan to consolidate your campaign management with all devices in one campaign. Use bid adjustments to manage performance between devices within those campaigns.